Flatcheez 2
This is the story of a young boy named Yuuta who has just transferred to another school and is trying to live a normal life. However, one day, a mysterious letter Yuuta receives a strange, mysterious letter. It seems someone
Because of family troubles, Yuuta, a young boy, had to move to another city. Changing schools and having perverted teachers might have leave him a bit confused, but thanks to the new friends he has made, he believes he can make
Time loop NTR
One day, when the main character got along with the heroine and everything seemed to be smooth sailing, they had an accident and somehow went to a different world !! Can they be reunited with the heroine who lost his memory due
Convenience store girl Z+ DLC v.201224
Convenience store transforms into a condemned garden ... A shoplifting demon with a sexual hammer. Convenience store transforms into a condemned garden ... The store it manages has kept the infamy of being "the top three
Hypnotizing the Rich Bitch into My Personal Plaything
Everyone has seen those manga and CG collections with hypno-applications, but what would it be like to actually use one? This simulation game is focused on exactly that; making use of a hypno-app to aid you in your sexual
Once in a Lifetime
You live in Mistbury, an apparently normal town where you live an apparently normal life with your family. However, you'll soon discover that this place hides some deep dark secrets and things can heat up very fast... From
Summer ~Life in the Countryside~ v.1.01 + v.2.01(jap)
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You're spending a boring summer vacation cooped up in your postage stamp-sized apartment, when you receive a call from your relative's mom. It seems she and her husband are going on a trip, so they want you to come