Lustworth Academy
The story follows juvenile delinquent Jimmy Napkins, a young outcast who’s been expelled from every school he’s ever attended. If Jimmy can survive his last school year and outsmart his new rivals, he could rule the entire town.
Kingdom of Lust
Kingdom of Lust is an adult visual novel/dating sim game with point-and-click and sandbox gameplay. The first update itself features around 17 characters including MC. Set In the medieval era, Kingdom of Lust is a story of young
Unnatural Instinct
After a year of separation from your family who moved to a new house, you come to get to know your family again, but on the other side, meet new people and save the princess from the castle, oh no, this is from another game.​
House Chores
House Chores is a visual novel where you experience the story of a young man on his summer vacation. Problems arise when he begins to see someone close to him in a much different manner. To make matters worse, two unexpected
Urban Demons: Remake
You keep waking up from dreams of an event that happened years ago. A lucky twist of fate that saw you narrowly avoid likely death from a car accident. But why does this event play on your mind? Who was the girl that saved you
Lust and Power
In this game you play as a young man, whose family inherited a mansion from a distant relative. There you are going to reveal some mysteries and to gain some dark powers. You will have to face demon attacks, to meet some strange
The Genesis Order
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В The Genesis Order you will play as a junior detective, trying to make a living and explore his passion, solving crimes and meeting gorgeous women. This complex story unfolds with so many twists and turns.
Niramare Quest
The protagonist, who died young, is reincarnated in a different world by a goddess, bestowed with the ability to 'sexually arouse women of lower levels than oneself'. He is summoned as the 'hero of prophecy'
Ballad of Outstanding Bimbo Sorcery
There are two types of people: the one who fucks, and the one who are fucked. Meet Lothar, who just became a fully fledged Mage, specialized in body transformation; and Illonia, a busty mage that relies more on her body than her
After a rough start in your life, you are finally ready to head off to college. As the best high school recruit in basketball, you could have gone to any school anywhere in the country. Because of your relationship with your new
The Sunset Fairies
After a world-changing event, the MC will have to live day to day in the company of his nieces. But that's not all, he will also have to look for the remaining members of his family and form "bonds" with them.
Eruption Imminent
Eruption Imminent tells the story of Ashe, a 20-year old futanari, who is struggling to find her bearings in life. She works a boring job, she never had a relationship and she's constantly battling with her own