One day a young man named Argo, who had led a carefree life in a rural fishing village, receives a letter of recommendation from an unexpected place. It was from an elite educational institution known as the Knights'
In Pleasure Party, you help Tiffany "Beta Test" her college project, an amazing Female Pleasure Detection Device. In order to test the device and prove it's worth, you create fun and hot sex parties all over town!
Young Holly receives an invitation to a mysterious new app called Betflix. There she can earn money by fulfilling the wishes of an anonymous user. How far, in search of easy money, can a girl go?
The Twelve Days Of Christmas is a visual novel about a young girl Amy and her boyfriend leaving their small town for the big city. They face difficult tasks: to find a job and a place to stay. The situation is further
"Rich Girls" is a casual board game / strategy game based on cards, dice and land properties. Players play the role of a gentleman, encountering various business ladies, and fighting against each others in the world of
An island of twisted metal floats on a "Waste Sea". They call it "City of Rivet", forever in motion, its residents a collection of mechanics and scavengers who ensure that the city continues. ...There are
Night of Revenge is a 2D action RPG hack and slash Game from D-lis, the maker of Bullet Requiem from back in 2015, The gameplay is inspired by Dark Souls and Metroidvania with combine visuals action of its above-average
In House Guest, you take on the role of a dominant older gentleman who is annoyed to discover that he is about to have an unexpected house guest. But when she arrives and turns out to be a gorgeous young college coed who appears
You start in the village of Konoha and have some trouble keeping your eyes open without your surroundings switching out from reality. You realise you can put suggestion and effects on people to train and change their perception