Magical Girl Magical Breathy
Due to various circumstances, Ms. Ayase, a dark girl who is forced to fight as an overexposed magical girl, works hard at exposing herself in order to collect magical power, appears on TV, and becomes the masturbation pet of the
Rebecca and the Sword of Nasty Curses 2
Rebecca, a female warrior who protected her village from a band of thieves, was living a peaceful life with her kind husband and son. One day, Rebecca obtains a magic sword at the request of the guild, but her husband Takezo is
Rebecca and the Sword of Nasty Curses
Rebecca, a female warrior, was the strongest in a remote village. She is skilled and kind-hearted, and is trusted by the villagers to protect the village. One day, a band of thieves attacked Rebecca's village. Rebecca
Okyu Kishi Erisu no Netorare Monogatari
Eris, a royal knight in the service of the Kingdom of Albus, receives a mission from the princess. She is asked to investigate a disturbing rumor circulating in the frontier town of Sly. Ellis has a boyfriend, Yuki, a pastor and
Kimyo deH na Netorare Danjon Aisuru Yusha o Sukuidase!!
Challenge the "strange dungeon"! Rescue your beloved hero! The hero has been kidnapped by Succubus! The three lovers who try to get him back are confronted by a strange cuckold dungeon created by Succubus! Every time
The daily life of a girl who is interested in being a negative girl is being changed into a positive person
Kenta Nakajima is an ordinary high school boy. He is a quiet person who doesn't stand out in class, but he only has one female friend. That person is Ayaka Minami, a high school girl who is also quiet and calm, and whom she
Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend
In the dystopian year 2023, the market for sex robots was booming. They quickly outnumbered the entire automobile industry, and the golden age of the world seemed closer than ever. Alas, a month later an international scandal
Friends Game
One day during the cold winter months, the three of them decide to go to Tetsuo's apartment after their club activities have ended. The main character gets sent on an errand to the convenience store for snacks. While
Sai Da no Erufu
To save his girlfriend, he pursues the mastermind while being terrorized by hypnosis! Synopsis: Aminid, a region with a legend of a sealed demon god! Emilia, a dark elf, Noel, an elf, and Al, a human, are a party of three
Bottle Biosphere
You just wanted to go home after a brutal night shift. It was late, you were tired, you wanted to get some rest before the sun came up. However, you didn't expect to find a girl in a black sailor uniform sitting outside
Jimi Kao Kyonyu ~Hitozuma Kara Shakkin HensaiNTR-tan
Erina (32), a wife devoted to her husband Takeru Sakaki, discovers one day that he has been fired from his job and is in debt. For the sake of her beloved husband, Erina decides to sell herself to earn money, and her new daily
I Wanna Make This Overconfident Magical Girl Learn Her Place
A mysterious sorceress has appeared and is wreaking havoc everywhere. The only person who can stop her now is the legendary Wizard Girl Destroyer.... - Become the "Wizard Girl Destroyer" and battle the Wizard Girl