Training Space Station Build 16 Alpha v.0.3
This is "Training Space Station", adult video game about adventures in far future telling the story about little emergency robot who had to become head of a mysterious deserted space station.
But soon you will figure out true purpose of it. The station ruled by eccentric scientist was a place for exploring the most secret and innermost desires inherent in every living being in the universe. A place where inquiring minds perfected sexuality to the greatest heights and developed the most refined skills of sexual pleasures. But everything changed when they get spotted by prudish conservative Alliance. During the emergency FTL-jump damaged navigation system of station made a miscalculation which ended badly for the crew. But the station survived. By triggering emergency protocols and self-recovery systems, control was transferred to the autonomous emergency unit. But this little emergency robot turned out to be something more...
You have to take control of this little robot, restore the station and develop it to unprecedented levels.