Leanna's Slice of Life
Set in a world in which monsters exist, Kyne and Liana live together peacefully in a town.
Liana is a little bit scatterbrained girl who often stumbles over
nothing dangerous, but she is an ideal housewife with a kind heart.
Kyne is shy when it comes to romantic things but steady aside from that.
He hunts down monsters around the town with his partner Nia.
When they get married and their happy married life is about to begin, an incident occurs
that a group of monsters suddenly assaults the town at night. During a combat with
monsters, a hero named Eric gets wounded when he protects Kyne from a monster.
For the treatment of Eric's wound, Kyne ends up owing a huge debt to Eric.
Thus, Kyne and Liana have to repay G2,000,000 within two months.
Liana starts working in the daytime when Kyne is out due to his business.
Many villagers take advantage of this situation to steal her from Kyne.
Will she be able to stay chaste!?