Magical Girl Otometia
"Magical Girl Otometia'' is the successor of the legendary hero "Magical Girl Arcana Maiden'' who can no longer fight. She fights against the evil organization "Nonotix"' under the
BegieAdeII ~The False Hallelujah
"The Gluttonous Grimoire - Begieade" The demonic tome that devours human desires was hungry again today... and it was indignant.
Spooky Starlets: Movie Maker
Spooky Starlets is an erotic deck-building porn studio simulator that tasks you to work alongside sultry monstergirls. Unlock new cards, develop strong relationships, and work your way to the top of the adult film industry!​
Ballad of Outstanding Bimbo Sorcery
There are two types of people: the one who fucks, and the one who are fucked. Meet Lothar, who just became a fully fledged Mage, specialized in body transformation; and Illonia, a busty mage that relies more on her body than her
The Brave
You play the role of The Brave; a young man appointed to fufill an ancient tradition. When the rivers run dry, so does the mountain goddess who controls it. It is up to The Brave to travel alone, grow stronger, and satisfy the
The Five Seals and The Holy Sword of Legend
The protagonist is an elven boy who grew up in a small village in the mountains, together with a human girl named Alice. However, one day, a shocking series of events leads him to getting lost in a mysterious building, where a
Devil's Academy DxD
You're brought back from the dead after a tragic first date. Your saviour, however, is a devil, and now you must serve her and her entire family.​
Secret Island
Set in a modern fantasy world, Secret Island puts you in the shoes of a powerful sorcerer and battle-hardened mercenary. After being caught in a war you never wanted to be a part of, you fought just for the chance to get revenge
To Save a King
A mighty wizard king has been trapped between realms for centuries after a betrayal by his queen. In his absence demons have overrun much of the world, tainting the source of magic and causing women to grow fat, juicy cocks.
Parasite Inside
In this Sci-Fi Horror game, our protagonist, Oni Lim, awakens aboard a colonization spaceship. However, as she awake from her slumber, she quickly realizes that all other crew members remain in cryogenic stasis, and critical
Crimson High
When Ren (or whatever you decide to call him) is assigned to investigate a murder at Crimson High, he expects to face some challenges. However, he soon realizes that the school's secrets are far more complex than he could
The plot centers on detective Arthur Morgan, who despite his professional successes, is searching for the true meaning of life.. After a tragic incident in his hometown makes him rethink his values and beliefs, Arthur decides to