Erina (32), a wife devoted to her husband Takeru Sakaki, discovers one day that he has been fired from his job and is in debt. For the sake of her beloved husband, Erina decides to sell herself to earn money, and her new daily
Shale Hill Secrets is about a guy who stumbles upon a great deal of power – he sees into people's private lives. He uses it to help others but also uses it to develop personal relationships with people that would've
Two ideas popped into my head. First, I would submit to her and make her fall in love with me, and then reverse the situation. When a woman is in love, she loses her head. Especially for a successful career woman like her, I can
Out of Touch is a captivating story of friendship, trauma, and healing. At its heart is our hero CJ, who reunites with his childhood friends after years apart for their final semesters of high school.
A love romance with an adored princess and a benevolent queen. But behind the scenes, the heroine is cuckolded. The child she carries is a different color from her own hair and eyes! Heroine meeting another man behind her
A large mansion nestled quietly in the forest, surrounded by mist. Succubus hunter siblings Ars and Romelia go to exterminate the demon living there, but they are easily defeated and captured in the dungeon. They are forced to
A lighthearted visual novel about Netorase (Wife Sharing). Hana is a loving and understanding wife that realizes her husband fetish, and while Yuma, a young man, is staying at their home during college, she takes matters into
A visual novel about Netorase ( Wife Sharing ) Hana is a loving and understanding wife who debuted as a swimsuit model when she was young. Her husband, our protagonist, discovers it and gets aroused. Hana decides to tease him by
After the nuclear war, numerous water sources and farmlands were contaminated with radiation. Foundations and politicians seized control of the remaining resources, using laws and tax systems to disenfranchise the population,
Kaiketsu Arata, a man who longs to be a detective, had a strange dream. In the dream, he saw a mysterious girl named "Juice" who was seeking for help. She was trapped on a mysterious island called Sea Turtle Island.
Yoi's Summer Supplementary Training NTR ~ Until My Girlfriend Falls Yoi's Summer Supplementary Training NTR ~ Until My Girlfriend Falls [Counterattack Chee Gyu] I'm Kazumatsu Kanoya, a physical education teacher.